About Me

About Me

I  practice in my therapy studio at home in Ledbury

My style of Shiatsu is calming and nurturing, promoting well-being. By working steadily and firmly, following the rhythm of the breath, a sense of safety and deep connection can arise. This in turn assists the healing of the underlying causes of ill-health.

Although a client may come to see me with a painful shoulder or suffer from headaches, the objective of each session is to assess their unique needs and address them in a holistic manner. I will work on the whole body to affect physical and energy (Ki) patterns that may be influencing the presenting issue. This can lead to changes that have not been achieved through conventional treatment or other alternative therapies.

I am a professional member of the Shiatsu Society  committed to helping my  clients restore and maintain optimum well-being.

Specialist Areas of Expertise

As many people come to see me with muscular and joint problems, I have developed many techniques to work with them. These skills are interwoven with pressure-points and meridian work, which balances Ki.

People come to me for all sorts of reasons and because Shiatsu is holistic,  based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is able to help in many cases. These include problems such as;  lack of vitality after illness; menopausal symptoms; digestive problems, persistant coughs and sinusitis etc.

Sometimes, physical problems have an emotional root and awareness of the connection between body and mind/emotion can lead to long-lasting healing and transformation.

Studing the Extraordinary Vessels with Suzanne Yates has enabled me to work more effectively shock and trauma and  issues arising during periods of transition such as retirement; separation/divorce; bereavement and moving towards the end of life.  I have found that shiatsu can enable clients to regain a balanced life-affirming perspective.

I also specialise in treating hand, shoulder and neck problems, often finding that neck issues come from tightness in the upper back and shoulders. Having had a broken ankle myself, I have developed techniques to mobilise the joints of the feet and ankles which, alongside pressure points, can ease discomfort. In many cases, issues with knees and feet are affected by problems with the lower back.


I trained in the intuitive style of "Healing-Shiatsu" qualifying in 1986 and continued studying with teacher Sonia Moriceau for 5 years, as well as assisting her with new trainees.

To be better able to support clients emotionally,  I trained over 10 years in counselling skills and in 1997 I qualified as a Psychosynthesis Counsellor Therapist with the Psychosynthesis and Education Trust in London.

I continued doing both counselling and shiatsu workshops with various teachers and in 2006 I completed the Shiatsu College Post Graduate Certificate. This enriched my understanding of  TCM (TraditionalChinese Medicine), Emotional Energy Work and the Five Elements.  I still regularly attend Webinars with Cliff Andrews and am currently exploring the "Vagus Theory"  to assist recovery from Shock and Trauma. 

I received a postgraduate Diploma in Movement Shiatsu with Bill Palmer in 2012I and started training with Suzanne Yates in the "Extraordinary Vessels" in 2017.

Mentoring Clients/Counselling

I often use mentoring/counselling to support people through their life issues, and integrate this work into my shiatsu sessions. This gives me the opportunity, where appropriate, to enable clients to process emotional issues through the body and help them on a journey of self-discovery and change. 

Many clients who see me long-term consider me to be a "mentor". Through our therapeutic relationship they can explore challenges that arise, personally and professionally, during their lives. 

My Personal Practice

My personal practice of  meditation, Tai Chi and Yoga alongside swimming and walking helps me sustain my own well-being. 

I have had back issues myself and use Egoscue Postural Alignment and Pilates to maintain my own structural integrity. 

"Be  still and Know" 

Thich Nhat Hahn

To seek is to suffer,

To seek nothing is Bliss.

Fran Robinson is  a Fellow of the Shiatsu Society

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