Success Stories

Success Stories and Testimonials
" I feel so much better in myself since yesterday. I had been feeling so rotten for weeks after that awful cold. Thank you Fran" Mrs S, Malvern
"I have had shiatsu with other practitioners in the past.. You are very skilled, Anita. (Hereford)
"I would like to thank you for the time and effort given to my daughter. She was so low and struggling with life. She is such a lovely girl and we couldnt bear to see her having such difficulties. She is now eating better and is so obviously improving. She sang at a local concert the other day - she has never dared sing in front of anyone before. Many many thanks." Mr and Mrs Y.
"My shoulder had been bothering me all summer. I should have come to you sooner - I cant believe how much better it is after your treatment. Thanks you so much. I can now sleep through the night." Joan (Ledbury)
"I was told my knee pain and coldness was arthritis and there was nothing to be done. I was so surprised and delighted that you were able to get the circulation going again. I feel years younger." B.J
 "I must thank you Fran for the confidence I have gained in working with you. I seem to have become myself again, but with more assurance and strength. I have let go of the tightness in my shoulders and don't feel I have to struggle any more. I know what I want from life now - and that I can have it.  I feel like I am moving into a better future. It is so great to laugh and really enjoy life." Marion, (Hereford)
"I have had headaches for years. I had no idea that the problem was coming from my shoulders, neck and skull. Shiatsu and cranial work with you has relieved the pain and given me a sense of space in my head. Thank you. M.B
"You have been such a lifeline during my husband's illness. I dont know what I would have done without you." MB.
I am so grateful for your help with my fertility. With gentle guidance on nutrition, appropriate exercise and shiatsu to strengthen the meridians involved in pregnancy, I am now a mum! And you helped me through the pregnancy too. Thank you so much.
Fiona (Malvern)

You don't think your way back to joy, 

 You are open to it.

The quieter you become,

The more you can hear

Fran Robinson is a Fellow of the Shiatsu Society

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